Joe Alves, Developer in Weehawken, NJ, United States
Joe is available for hire
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Joe Alves

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Web Developer

Weehawken, NJ, United States
Toptal Member Since
April 29, 2022

Joe是一名全栈web开发人员,自2011年以来一直从事专业的软件工程师工作, focusing on building web applications with JavaScript. He has served as team lead, senior contributor, and sole creator on products built with React and Node.js mainly. Joe has also worked as a software boot camp instructor for four years, 他利用自己强大的沟通和演讲技巧,为近400人教授了JavaScript web开发.


Fullstack Academy
课堂教学,学生参与,JavaScript, React, Node.js...
JavaScript, React, GraphQL, Apollo, Node.js, Electron, D3.js, Python, Flask...
Fullstack Academy
JavaScript, HTML, Angular, React, Node.js, CSS, SQL, Databases, Servers, jQuery




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), DigitalOcean, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Lead Instructor

2021 - 2022
Fullstack Academy
  • 在一个有50名学生的班级里担任主讲老师,负责学习JavaScript web开发课程, 使那些编程经验有限的人能够创建全栈web应用程序.
  • 管理一个班级的教师团队,包括分配指导, solving day-to-day student issues, running team training, and delivering performance reviews.
  • Lectured daily on a myriad of programming topics, including web development fundamentals, advanced tools, and general computer science concepts.
  • Created and contributed to internal workflow products, such as student management systems, automated grading tools, and many student-facing codebases.
  • Mentored, reviewed, 调试了200多个学生和团队的期末项目,涉及各种技术和工具.
技术:课堂教学,学生参与,JavaScript, React, Node.js, Web开发,HTML, CSS, SQL,数据库,全栈开发

Lead Front-end Software Engineer

2017 - 2020
  • 领导一个JavaScript开发团队,构建一个管理大规模调查的运营产品, data collection, versioning history, and operations strategy.
  • 与数据科学家合作开发应用程序,以分析和报告具有复杂约束的高度专业化数据.
  • Created and maintained many client-facing projects, including language translation management tools, ad-hoc marketing experiences, and highly-controlled data pipeline APIs.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, GraphQL, Apollo, Node.js, Electron, D3.js, Python, Flask, Geographic Information Systems, Maps, TypeScript

Lead Instructor

2015 - 2017
Fullstack Academy
  • 被公司聘为第三任讲师,策划并领导了许多第一次的项目.
  • Helped develop the base curriculum for the immersive program, 包括成为从MongoDB到SQL,从Angular到React的重构的主要贡献者.
  • 管理一个跨越多个团队和项目的教师团队.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, Angular, React, Node.js, CSS, SQL, Databases, Servers, jQuery

Web Developer

2013 - 2015
FurtherEd Inc
  • 担任公司旗舰产品的主要贡献者,该产品向公众提供直播和点播教育资源.
  • 设计并创建了一个实时流媒体互动课程体验平台和许多嵌入式学习工具.
  • 在公司的实体制作工作室中实施基于硬件的解决方案, including sensors, lighting controls, monitoring, and other stream management integrations.
Technologies: JavaScript, Angular, PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, jQuery, Web Development, Graphic Design

Full-stack Developer

2011 - 2012
  • 与高级开发人员合作,快速学习并成为两个主要面向公众的web应用程序的主要贡献者.
  • 获得JavaScript前端开发方面的专业知识,并领导将功能转换为更具交互性的工作, AJAX-driven versions.
  • Implemented a version management system in the developer workflow.
Technologies: JavaScript, PHP, CodeIgniter, jQuery, HTML, CSS

Wake Up, Felix!
A game made in Three.js featuring Felix the Cat. 这首歌是为“共同果酱2022”制作的,由NBC环球赞助,可能获得2.5万美元的大奖.

Wake Up, Felix是一款快节奏的街机游戏,混合了2D和3D图形,使视觉效果既古老又现代.

Download Speed
一款为网络制作的赛车游戏,你可以从互联网上下载一个文件来玩. Choose wisely and download as fast as possible!

This game was made in Three.js with custom camera and movement controls. It includes using advanced Three.js concepts like post-processing and custom GLSL shaders.

这是一款通过编写JavaScript代码来玩的编程益智平台游戏. 用户可以通过破解电脑和更新JavaScript代码来控制环境,从而解决谜题和完成关卡. 我是唯一的开发者,最初是为了游戏jam而创造这款游戏.

Have fun and reach out to me if you need a hint :)

My YouTube
我的YouTube频道,在那里你可以学习JavaScript和计算机科学的东西. 当我受到启发想要教授一些东西时,我经常会制作一个视频.

Here are some unlisted videos if you want more content:
-Movie watchlist live coding:
Part one:
Part 2:

Operations Management System for Global Data Aggregation

与一个团队合作,为一个组织创建一个应用程序来管理运营策略,该组织收集世界各地农民的数据. It included global team assignments, collected data, versioned survey authoring, and other advanced features.

我是该系统客户端应用程序的主要开发人员, built with React with Apollo Client. 信息是从用Python编写的graphql接口服务器中检索的.

这个更大的系统通常也需要定制的解决方案,这些解决方案是我单独或两个人一起计划和创建的. 这包括经过彻底设计的自动生成PDF报告,其中嵌入了SVG数据可视化, a desktop application for managing language translation schemas, and several geo-map interfaces.

Microcontroller Hackathon


I planned the technical details of the event, gave the opening lecture and demonstration of the materials, helped support and debug projects throughout the day, and gave out prizes to winning teams.

Although initially planned as a one-off, the success of the event led to it being a regular occurrence.

Software Bootcamp Learning Management System

为Fullstack Academy的专有学习管理系统做出贡献,帮助组织学生, deliver curriculum, and properly conduct legally-mandated processes. 除了我的教学职责外,我一直在这个项目上工作. When I had breaks from teaching classes, 我会添加高要求的新功能,并在系统中实现大型修复.

Accredited Online Learning Platform for Legal Professionals
一个面向公众的大型web应用程序,为律师提供经过认证的内容, accountants, real estate managers, and other licensed professionals. 我负责大部分客户端应用程序和维护, as well as implementing server-side needs with PHP/Laravel.

我领导了交互式课程中心功能的客户端实现,用户可以在其中查看点播或直播学习内容. It included features like embedded slide decks, note taking, chats with other students and instructors during live sessions, view-mode switching, and other interface-driven features.

Zoom Classroom Lecture Recording on Data Structures
一段关于链表/树对Fullstack学院学生的演讲录音. 视频是直接从Zoom screen share录制的,展示了我可以使用绿屏和虚拟广播软件为远程教室创造的一种体验.


JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SQL, TypeScript, GraphQL, PHP, Python, HTML5, GLSL


React, Node.js, D3.js, jQuery, Three.js, WebGL


Git, Flow, React Apollo, GitHub, Mongoose


Visual Studio Code (VS Code)、DigitalOcean、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Docker


Databases, MongoDB


Student Engagement, Web Development, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Apollo, Geographic Information Systems, Maps, Classroom-based Instruction, Game Development, Graphic Design, Full-stack Development, Kaboom.js, Servers, Machine Learning, Microcontrollers


Electron, Angular, Flask, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Jest, Express.js